2nd August 2017

Persuasive Writing

People should be qualified to comment on the way of farming in NZ.

Dairy farmers are polluting rivers.  It is this statement that we have all heard and through the media constantly hammering the idea it is no surprise that a large majority of New Zealanders have come to believe it.  What I find hard to believe is that the media are reporting on this and making a huge deal out of the intensification of farming when there are currently 795 million people who go to bed hungry each night.  As much as the media hates to admit it these two problems are connected in several ways and the fact is that we can either have a “Clean, Green environment” and let these 795 million people grow hungrier or we can get qualified professionals to investigate the problem of farming and come up with an appropriate solution.  A solution that hasn’t been brought to the table by someone like Vicky Robinson, secretary for the environment, who has a background in law and economics.



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